From Concept To Market Traction

Startup ROI


We are a global AI 1st innovation accelerator that helps startup founders build and grow ROI driven products and scale their business from concept to market traction.

Our accelerator ensures early founders have a solid foundation for growth and access to staff, key partnerships, initial customers, financial backing, and essential resources.

What Participants Are Saying

Michael Kelly, Founder of Sage Fusion
Mock Abdelaal, Founder of Velos Labs

4 Solutions Our Team Delivers

Increase Potential For Gaining Funding

Successful fundraises are more about relationships than they are about your product. Introductions are better than cold pitches. Our team will help you prepare your investor pitch and facilitate mock pitches. Then we’ll book meetings with our investor partners, so that you can leverage our relationships to secure capital.

Our method is better than a pitch competition or demo day. We stand behind your company and put you in the right rooms. Additionally, we help you get legal guidance to ensure your deals are favorable.

Increase Potential For Recurring Revenue

Achieving recurring revenue requires a keen understanding of your ideal customer along with a customer-centered business model and value proposition. All of this must accumulate into well executed branding, sales, and marketing strategies.

Our team will work with you One-on-One to lay a solid foundation for each of these elements. We’ll help you iterate until you hit the sweet spot. Then we’ll leverage our network to ensure you scale month over month.

Increase Potential For Rapid Go-To-Market

The fastest way to Go-To-Market is through key partnerships with heavy hitters in your industry. We’ve done the leg work to build a network of enterprise companies, investors, advisors, government agencies, universities, and financial institutions. All of our partners are actively seeking alignment with fresh new startups and lucrative opportunities.

Our goal is to find synergies on your behalf and help you dominate the market. We want to be the catalyst to your success.

Increase Potential For Gaining Customers

We have a vast network of enterprise company partners. On day one, we begin aligning your product with partner interests. Then we help you create an offer that will gain their buy-in.

Our team arranges the initial meetings when we believe you’re ready. We may even attend the meetings with you. All you have to do is deliver your sales pitch and execute.

Why Startup ROI?

The average venture capitalists don’t support their portfolio companies very well at all. They only want companies to make them money. This is not a successful formula.

We are not your average non-supportive investors. We only invest in companies we have closely worked with. Instead, we take senior operational roles, maximizing our revered reputation, experience, and network to drive, scale, and grow startups.

8 Critical Gaps Our Team Fills

Business Development, Marketing, & Sales

Find the right messaging and get in front of your ideal customers.


Whether you’re raising capital or seeking traditional bank funding or bootstrapping, we support your journey.

Supply Chain

We leverage our network to help you gain vendors, contractors, and non-competing partners.

HR, Manpower, & Administrative Operations

We help you put the right people in the right places.


Our team innovates alongside you helping you gain and maintain a competitive edge.


We help you build the right relationships to sell your product and grow your business.

Technology and Systems for Growth

We help you build the infrastructure you need to scale.

Online Presence & Branding

We partner with you to build a stellar web presence and brand for your product. 

Five Stage Roadmap To Success

Our Program is a 6-week Virtual Experience

Define Your Critical Path

Align on resource needs and business growth objectives.

Clarify Your Growth Cadence

Gain clarity around your ideal customer. Define your monthly growth KPIs. Produce a business and pricing model.

Staffing & Scaling

Our staff takes an executive advisory role. We work toward hitting monthly growth KPIs together. Gain additional critical resources.

Milestone Enablement

Build relationships with key advisers and partners. Work to grow by 25% month over month. Reach $1m ARR in 12 months.

Re-evaluate for Next Steps

Re-evaluate for funding. Replace our staff with corporate executives. Establish systems for ongoing growth and exit strategies.


Inflection points and lack of resources kill many companies and stifle massive growth. Many companies do not have the variety of resources to scale effectively in the market and adjust quickly to market changes.

True global scale is the objective. Due to so many obstacles, many companies lack the funds, resources, design, and messaging needed to really scale and deliver.

Out of all venture-backed startups, only 5% succeed.

95% cause investors to lose money, or do not reap an ROI.

We’re here to fill gaps and resource needs for founders and increase their chances of success.

Join Our Founders Slack Community

This group is completely free to join and open to all startup founders. No founder should do this journey alone. Our community provides essential things early stage startup founders need.

  • Free Prototype Testing and Feedback
  • Startup Opportunities such as time sensitive pitch competitions and grant applications
  • Pitch Deck Reviews and Feedback