Velos Labs

Participation Progress - Sales Enablement Program - PreSeed Stage

About This Startup

Velos Labs is founded by Mock and Amber Abdelaal. 

The Velos Labs Autonomy Kit includes all hardware and software for autonomous driving functionality, as well as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) applications. Additionally, the Kit includes subsystems for high performance computing and radio communications from military to cellular applications.

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This Startup's Entry Video

Traction Progress

During the first four weeks of growth enablement, Mock and Amber discovered the following:

- There was opportunities to gain revenue from individual elements of your product offer. These underlining solutions can be revealed through market research surrounding industry problems and Macro-trends.

- They learned how to create a business model and value proposition around an offer when potential opportunities arise.

- They learned how to begin prospecting and selling a newly discovered offer.

- They learned how to find and approach potential investor options such as GM and Jaguar.

- They received feedback on how to improve their chances of winning an SBIR award and was able to begin contacting previous winners to seek their advice as well.

By Week 9 of the Growth Enablement Program, Velos Labs had gained entry to several National Security Innovation Network programs.

Midway Progress Update

During the first four weeks of this part of our program, we began creating an environment for Velos to improve their positioning.

We worked to explore their target market and built a criteria around regular sales related conversations they should be having, i.e. who he should be speaking to and how often.

In support of the effort to have consistent productive conversations, we began recruiting and sourcing 25 executives to fill a military sales/revenue professional position with the Velos' team.

Midway through Sales Enablement, Velos received a warm introduction to the Global Head of External Innovation at Bayer after Startup ROI confirmed an aligned objective Velos could solve. 

They then received guidance on preparing a pitch and support during the initial call.  After the call, Velos was advised on steps for gaining Bayer and similar companies as customers.